Patricía Pará Yxapy lives in Ko’enju village, in the town of São Miguel das Missões, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, where she works since 2006.
In 2007, she co-founded the Mbyá-Guarani Cinema Collective, and she is currently completing her first feature film and participating in film festivals with Teko Haxy (Being Imperfect; p/word tekoteko), co-directed with Sophia Pinheiro (2018). Her works have been awarded many prizes, among others: Honorary Mention at the 14th International Environmental Film and Video Festival (FICA) in 2012 for Desterro Guarani (Guarani Exile); and the Cora Coralina prize for Best Feature at FICA 2011, Best Feature Film at 3rd CachoeiraDoc Festival and Honorary Mention in the National Competition at in 2011 for As Bicecletas de Nhanderu.
In 2014 and 2015, she participated in a series of artistic residencies with Innu filmmakers in Canada, and in 2017 she was Jury for the Cine Kurumin festival. In 2018, she participated in the Vídeo Nas Aldeias showcase at the Margaret Mead Film Festival in New York. In 2019, she was invitated to participated in the Ameríndia Showcase organised for Docs Lisboa. In 2020, she had her first solo multimedia exhibition, Letter from a Guarani Woman in Search of the Land Without Evil, at the Berlinale as part of the Forum Expanded section.