
Indigenous Cinematics produces a range of materials, including subtitled films and texts, on the art and act of making film in Indigenous Latin America. This page gathers these resources, beginning with a series of interviews co-organised and co-edited with Claudia Arteaga (Scripps College, USA) over the course of 2019. You can consult these interviews here or directly in Mediático.

Dossier on Indigenous filmmaking from Abya Yala Part I_ Tzotzil, Mapuche, Zapotec. Filmic Practice Otherwise

Interview/Entrevista con María Sojob

Interview/Entrevista con Gerardo Berrocal

Interview/Entrevista con Bashé Nuhem


Mother Tongue Catalogue 2020



In February 2020, the films selected, translated and subtitled as part of the project were screened at the 2020 Mother Tongue Film Festival, an initiative organised by the Smithsonian Institution across a range of participating venues in Washington DC. The directors and producers generously gave us permission to share the English subtitled versions here and below. You can see the full catalogue of films featured in the programme.