Press release

We have published a press release about the call for films to translate and the final selected works on the CLACPI website. The four selected works translated and subtitled as part of this specific activity are: Kat At Kat’ex/ ¿Dónde Están? (Eduardo Mutzumá Say, Colectivo Cine en la Calle, 2017) Kiñe rupa (capítulo primero, Kiñe) […]

Subtitling begins…!

In June 2019, a committee comprising Bashé Nuhem (Qom, Argentina). David Hernández Palmar (Wayúu, Venezuela), Amalia Córdova (Mother Tongue Film Festival, Smithsonian, Washington DC) and myself worked on designing a Call for Submissions for a subtitling project with Indigenous films. Five works were selected to participate in the programme, an initiative which has emerged from […]

IndiFest 2018, Barcelona

IndiFest 2018 Barcelona poster

During November I had the opportunity to help out with the 11th International Indigenous Film Festival, IndiFest 2018, organised by CLACPI member organisation, alterNativa. alterNativa, intercanvi amb Pobles Indígenes is a Barcelona-based NGO which has been advocating for Indigenous rights since the mid-1980s. As a member of the CLACPI umbrella association, alterNativa organises an annual […]