Jenny Patricia Yallico belongs to the Waranka people of the Kichwa nation.

Patricia Yallico

Patricia Yallico was born in a small town in the Ecuadorian Andes and studied audiovisual production at the Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires (UNICEN) in Argentina. She also undertook further training in Directing and Acting at the Instituto de Cine y Actuación (INCINE) in Ecuador.

Her films have been selected for international film festivals including: the 13th International Student Film and Video Festival in Beijing, organised by the Beijing Film Academy; the 2nd International Indigenous Film and Video Showcase of Mexico; and the Semaine du cinéma équatorien in Paris, among others. She has participated in several national and international residencies and conferences, including the 2020 Cartagena de Indias International Film Festival (FICCI).

Patricia is an active participant of the Ecuadorian Indigenous movement through the Confederación de los Pueblos de la Nacionalidad Kichwa del Ecuador (ECUARUNARI), and is member of the Corporación de Productores Audiovisuales de las Nacionalidades y Pueblos del Ecuador (CORPANP). She is currently on the coordinating board for the Asociación de Creadores del Cine y el Audiovisual de Pueblos y Nacionalidades (ACAPANA).

She is currently working on her first feature-length fiction film, inspired by the Indigenous leader Dolores Cacuango. This production is in development and she will be documenting its progress as part of this residency.


Yallico has directed, produced and scripted several short experimental, fiction and documentary films. A selection of her works can be viewed on Vimeo featured here. Ñukanchikpa. Scriptwriter, Director and Producer. Experimental Video. 1.57 min. Argentina, 2016. Teresa de las alas largas. General Producer. Drama. 24.12 min. Ecuador, 2016. El rumor del ocaso. Director. Drama. 9.46 […]


I am in the process of developing a feature film, Dolores, inspired by the life of the Indigenous leader, Dolores Cacuango. During the residency I would like to review the audio/visual recordings made for the film to date and reflect upon the creative process. I would like to somehow render the complex and solitary work […]

“Dolores” in the community

This period of work has enabled us to delve into the life of Dolores with an extended research, not only through bibliographic review but also through interviews with her closest relatives (son, daughter-in-law) and with leaders from the community where she was born (San Pablo Urco-Cayambe). This gave us a guideline to plot an outline […]

“Dolores” in progress

During the residency Patricia is developing the script and treatment of her first feature-length film, Dolores, about the leader Dolores Cacuango. Today she shares some reflections about her methodology and fragments of the notebooks where she jots down her ideas.

“Dolores”. Script development.

The writing of the script has been made through an inside exploration of the history of the struggle of farmers and Indigenous people in Ecuador during the hacienda era of land tenure. It was necessary to write far away from Quito, and the city’s immediate access to media technology, in order to arrive at the […]

“Dolores”: teaser!

Work on Patricia’s film continues – now she’s looking for post-production funding! Here’s a teaser to whet your appetite.