
María’s first feature documentary, Bankilal (Older Brother) (2015), was selected in a wide range of national and international film festivals, including the Native sidebar at the 65th Berlinale (2015), the 18th International Film Festival of Valdivia (Chile), the VI Ethnographic and Testimonial Film Festival in Porto Alegre (Brazil), and Edinburgh International Film Festival (2015).   […]

Audiovisual Translation Forum @ FICMayab’

As part of the FestiLab component of the FICMayab’ Festival the project organised a one-day forum on audiovisual translation and Indigenous film. This event used a combination of screenings, presentations of case-studies, and more formal presentations and was aimed at opening a more focused discussion on linguistic pluralism, audiovisual translation, and accessibility in cinema. Three […]


Right at the beginning of the project Charlotte spent 3 weeks undertaking research with the Coordinadora Latinoamericana de Cine y Comunicación de los Pueblos Indígenas (CLACPI) during the 13th International Indigenous Film and Media Festival, FICMayab’. FICMayab’ was coordinated locally by the Red Tz’ikin, a Guatemalan communitarian and Indigenous media organisation. The festival encompassed a […]


In May 2019, Charlotte attended the Latin American Studies Association Congress in Boston. This year she was Track Co-Chair for the Film, Performance and Culture Track, a fascinating insight into the different kinds of research taking place in the field of Latin American film and expressive cultures. During the Congress, she participated in a roundtable […]

Mother Tongue Film Festival

The films which were translated and subtitled as part of the project’s activities were premiered internationally in their new English versions at the Mother Tongue Film Festival held at the Smithsonian in Washington DC during February 2020. The production of new film materials – suitable for research, teaching and exhibition – as part of the […]